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Get To Know Your Trainer

People always ask me how I got into dog training.
So I want to share my story with y'all!

Yes, I am a dog trainer.
But more than that, I am a dog lover.

There are some trainers out there that give the rest of us a bad reputation. People may think that just because I am a dog trainer and my dogs have rules and structure, that I am not a crazy dog lover. I can assure you that is far from the truth. I love my dogs (client and personal) more than anything. My dog is my whole world, so know that when I am speaking to you as a trainer, I am also a dog owner and lover. Know that I can relate with you about some of the struggles you may be having during your training journey. Because training is just that, a journey. It doesn't happen overnight! So with that being said I will share some more pictures and stories with y'all!

My Pack

Blue, Rachel, Gaia.jpg
Here I am with Blue (left) and Gaia (right) for the our 2020 Christmas card! This photoshoot was shortly after I brought Gaia home so Blue still wasn't too sure what to think of her, clearly by the look on his face. This was also Gaia's first photoshoot so she wasn't sure the point of the flashing lights. Blue was the family dog, he passed away June 2021. I miss him bunches but am so grateful for the time we had with him and the lessons he taught me.

Christmas Photo 2020

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